About oqCORE
Mission Statement
Our mission is to transform the drug development process by providing tissue models capable of faithfully recapitulating the hallmarks of human physiology and disease in vitro. Our centre helps to overcome the engineering barriers preventing broad adoption and scalable manufacturing of organ-on-a-chip platforms in Canada and will provide the advances required for commercialization. Our team members have experience developing miniature 3D models, (aka organs-on- a-chip), of the heart, liver, tumor, kidney and placenta.

Vision Statement
The overarching vision of our Center is to validate and productize on-chip devices addressing organs for drug safety and efficacy testing. Although there are important differences between the targeted organs, the challenges that currently limit their production and validation are remarkably similar. In our center, we will develop a systems approach for manufacturing of organ-on-a-chip devices, as well as new materials and processes needed to bring these new devices to the market. We will develop design criteria and a validation pathway for bringing organ-on-a-chip devices to use as drug discovery tools.
oqCORE is part of Centre for Research and Applications in Fluidic Technologies (CRAFT)
We have a list of state-of-the-art equipment for biological and material processing
oqCORE equipment supports training of organ-on-a-chip engineers through NSERC CREATE TOeP
Partners and Collaborators